Ab Ripper X sets you up for better abdominal stability, so you’ll have less to worry about during the push-ups, sit-ups, or squats.
Here’s how Ab Ripper X works:
The movement gets started with you holding an ab ball or a medicine ball, then using the ab ball or medicine ball as a pivot. The resistance is gradually increased as you focus on performing as many reps as possible with the ab ball. Each time you finish, try to pull yourself up onto your abs, even while the ab ball itself has a resistance.
As you complete each rep, you move your foot back and forth over the ball. This is called an inversion maneuver. The goal is to lift your score as high as possible and hold the weight for as long as possible. Once you finish a rep, you rest for 15 to 20 seconds. While you’re recovering, you’ll also perform sit-ups, push-ups, and other stretches.
What To Know Ab Ripper X is not for everyone. The movements are pretty simple, but you must be in control of your breathing. As you move through each rep, stay seated. Keeping your abs pulled in and tight, push up until your abs release the tension. Don’t let them drop too low.
It would help if you were eventually released by pushing up again. The movement will get easier as you get stronger, which you should start with after you’ve performed Ab Ripper X for an hour or more. This is a great workout for young adults (ages 16 and above).
Workout Variations You’ll see Ab Ripper X variations included in the program in all of the workouts listed above.

For example, you might perform the workout on your own or with a partner. Below is a simple exercise that you can use when performing Ab Ripper X to build your back:
Sit-up (for beginners):
Sit on a step, with your toes off the floor and your feet about shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your knees and pull yourself up with your arms. Make sure your abs are aligned as well by pushing up as high as you can. As you do this, keep your hands and knees moving. Invert your legs, so you’re sitting on each side.
Sit on a step, with your toes off the floor and your feet about shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your knees and pull yourself up with your arms. Make sure your abs are aligned as well by pushing up as high as you can. As you do this, keep your hands and knees moving. Invert your legs, so you’re sitting on each side.
Push-up (for advanced lifters):
Sit on a step with one leg bent, one foot against the door, and hold it between your legs. Extend your legs so your feet are touching the floor and lift you as high as you can. This movement can be done standing or lying down. Your goal is to keep your abs tight while at the same time pushing your body up off the step with a quick forward movement.
Sit on a step with one leg bent, one foot against the door, and hold it between your legs. Extend your legs so your feet are touching the floor and lift you as high as you can. This movement can be done standing or lying down. Your goal is to keep your abs tight while at the same time pushing your body up off the step with a quick forward movement.
Squat (beginners and advanced trainees):
Sit on the floor with a cushion under you and knees bent, feet on the floor, with your knees slightly bent and elbows on the back of your head. As you’d do your push-up, push up against the cushion from the bottom and lift your hips off the floor with each contraction. The goal is to keep your hips,
This exercise is a combination of three exercises: Squat and Press (one set at 80% of each of reps, then a pause in the middle. If you can do 200 for all 33 reps, you can attempt this on your own!) Row (only one set of 25 reps, then a pause in the middle.)
If you’re a bigger guy, you probably need to add some more weight to the bar in the Row portion of the movement, but this is a pretty simple, low-repetition exercise for people with a wider-than-average torso. The exercises involved:
- Dumbbell Raises (each set of three to five with 90% of the target number: four to three with 70% and two to one with 60% of reps) (each set of three to five with 90% of the target number, then a pause in the middle).
- Barbell Curls (set of three on each side and one for rear delts) (each set of three on each side and one for rear delts).
- Side Step (sets of five alternating sides, with one side rising and the other lowering) (sets of five alternating sides, with one side rising and the other lowering).
- Bicep Cable Rows (each set of three alternating sides.) (each set of three alternating sides).
The secret to completing Ab Ripper X is to focus on the core. Focus on your abdominals. Focus on pulling up your abs and down your back.
The Ab Ripper X workout is meant to be complete. Ab Ripper X is a bodyweight workout meant to be performed twice a week. The second workout should be completed with at least 30 minutes of rest between sets.
For your first Ripper X set:
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Do 5 dumbbell rows with the weight in front of your rib cage and lower yourself down until you get to your mid-back, but don’t touch the weight.
- Repeat for the first 30 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat in the second Ripper X set for the final 30 reps.
- Do 5 sets of 5 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps.
- Repeat in the first Ripper X set for the final 30 reps.
- Start a 15-minute warmup with 10 steps.
- Rest 30 seconds.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps.
- Rest 15 to 30 seconds.
The exercises are simple:
- Pull-ups
- Sit-ups
- Leg raises
- Abdominal crunches
You can choose whichever exercise you want and do 1 to 3 reps of each exercise per set. Use a bodyweight machine to get the reps in a controlled way, like a bodyweight weighted stair-climber or an Olympic barbell weighted cable machine. When doing your first set, start with 15 seconds rest between sets.
If you prefer it even easier, you can also do the Ab Ripper X workout on your off day, and you can still complete the workout.
If you’re looking to add more reps, you can either alternate between the different exercise sets or do the full workout with one additional exercise done once or twice.
To sum up the plan:
- Start off by doing your first set of 225 reps. In the beginning, it is easy, so do 30 reps and stop.
- Do 10 sets of 5 reps. Rest 15 to 30 seconds before finishing each row, with 5 seconds rest between sets. Continue like this for the first Ab Ripper X set for 30 reps and 15 to 30 seconds on the second Ab Ripper X set of 30 reps.
- Try your hand at the full set. Rest 30 to 60 seconds and get a few reps of the next exercise, then continue. The final set takes 15 to 30 seconds to complete.
The Ab Ripper X Hightop Workout is a perfect workout for beginner lifters, advanced lifters, and anyone who wants to improve their speed, strength, and stamina. If you are looking to get your stomach back to its normal size first then you can read our guide on pouch reset. The Ab Ripper X workout features a full-body warm-up, explosive movement, tempo work, and then a full rep sprint circuit that’s designed to build explosiveness, speed, and strength.